GAIA welcomes the adoption on first reading yesterday by the Council of Ministers of the Brussels-Capital Region of a proposal to ban fur farms, initiated by the State Secretary for Animal Welfare Bianca Debaets. According to an IPSOS survey carried out in 2012, 83% of residents of the Brussels Region want fur farms banned.
The proposal must still be submitted to the Conseil d’Etat and for a second reading in the Council of Ministers before being submitted for voting by the members of Parliament of the Environment sub-Committee and then to the plenary meeting of the Brussels Parliament, after which it can enter into force.
"This is the first step in a procedure which we strongly hope will lead to a ban on fur farms in the Capital Region, just as in Wallonia," said Michel Vandenbosch, President of GAIA.
"Although there is currently no fur farm located in the Brussels Region, this new law, if adopted, will ensure that no such enterprise is established."